Grow Your Own Bouquet With Heirloom Annuals

An heirloom cutting garden - a patch of garden used primarily for cutting old fashioned flowers and arranging in vases - sounds kind of elitist. Like a prim and proper English lady who has a team of gardeners, and ventures out to the garden with a floppy straw hat with her 'secateurs' to cut flowers …

A Garden For Cutting & Arranging

Formal arrangement

A cutting garden - a piece of earth used primarily for cutting flowers and bringing into the house for arranging in vases - sounds kind of elitist. Like a prim and proper English lady who has a team of gardeners, and ventures out to the garden with a floppy straw hat with her "secateurs" to …

Growing Heirlooms – Old Fashioned Annuals That Rock!!

With all the new intros of flowers, people forget the old-fashioned flowers that our grandmothers grew and enjoyed. 'Flowers with a past', or 'flowers with history' intrigue me even in the face of the preference of perennials in recent years. So many people when they hear that a plant is an annual turn up their …