New Plants and Garden Trends at Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show

Fresh off the MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) floor in Baltimore, I made lots of fresh contacts and found many exciting plant introductions that I want to use in my future landscaping projects. I am stoked for the 2023 gardening year and the new plants and ideas that are hitting the nursery and garden center …

Top 10 Ways to ReWild Your Garden

Douglas Tallamy, world renowned and influential ecologist/entymologist, urges Americans to go native and go natural.  Many people shorten this and call it 'ReWilding'.  For a great article on his philosophy, read  all about him in the Smithsonian magazine.  For tips on ReWilding your own garden, read on. What is ReWilding? ReWilding, returning your landscape back …

Gardening Trends- New Plants 2020

It is time for the Mid-Atlantic Nurseryman's Show (MANTS) in Baltimore. After attending the show last week, I am stoked for the 2020 gardening year and the new plants that are hitting the nursery shelves. In this post, I list the plants that interested me, but there are lots of other new varieties that will …

Garden Trends and New Plants for 2019

January, right after Christmas, means MANTS (mid-atlantic nurseryman's show), and I attend every year to see what is up and coming in the gardening world. New plants, new products, new trends, are the things that I look for in the upcoming year. It is the CES of gardening, not as exotic or techy as electronics, …

The Worst Garden Trends

There are some garden practices that should be outlawed, like zealous pruning, excessive mulching, and planting of Bradford Pear trees. There are others that are just silly, like dealing with garden snobs, or frustrating, the decline of honeybees. But the worst yet, is the rollout of new plant varieties that cost you a small fortune, and then promptly die.